Scratched glass is caused by fabricating debris, and it is usually identified only after the construction clean-up is completed. This leaves the appearance that the window was scratched by the window cleaning process; when in fact the actual problem is the poor quality of the glass that was manufactured and installed.
Keep in mind that scrapers and other window cleaning techniques are used SAFELY everyday by the professional window cleaning community to effectively remove various types of construction debris (such as plaster or paint over spray) from glass surfaces.
Fabricating debris consists of microscopic fragments or pieces of glass created in the factory when glass is being made. When this debris is not properly removed, this debris becomes sealed into the surface of the glass.
When the window washer cleans the glass using a scraper, the pieces of fabricating debris become disloged, and are dragged across the glass. The result is glass dragging on glass, which will scratch the surface of the window.
A few experts have developed, and they approach this problem from the perspective of the professional window cleaner.
At there is a selection of DVD’s that give information from one of the foremost experts on glass surfaces. The hope is that this information and knowledge will help the broader market by providing accurate information to the market place, and this issue can be confronted and eliminated in the future by the manufactures.
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