The winter is a down time for a lot of window washing companies, but those who work in commercial window cleaning will be tackling their lobs even as the temperatures start to drop. As we approach the winter months, it’s important to start preparing your mind and your body for winter window washing and the grueling environment you may soon face. Here are some tips from Window Academy to help you stay warm during winter window washing.
Plan out your movements to make the most of the solar heat generated during the winter. Start on the side of the building that gets the most sun exposure, and work your way around with the sun’s movement. If you are not going to spend long on a building, you may want to start on the dark side so you can warm yourself up on the light side shortly afterward. Test out a few options until you find the best way to keep your body warm with window cleaning.
Your hands and feet are the parts of your body that are most susceptible to extreme temperatures. For your feet, make sure you invest in a set of good, sturdy boots that will wick away water and keep your feet as dry/warm as possible. For your hands, get gloves that keep your fingers warm while still giving you the flexibility to move around. You may need to test out different variations to see what works best for you – rubber, fleece lined, waterproof, leather, etc.
Not all winter days are blisteringly cold. While you’re working outside, you may work up a sweat even though the temperatures are incredibly low. Dress in layers so you can take off/put on clothes as needed to regulate your body temperature. Keep a light jacket in your work vehicle that you can change into when the weather starts to warm up in the afternoon. If the winter months do not get that cold in your area, you may not need more than a light jacket to stay warm for most of the year.
Efficiency is important in any window washing business, but you also have to keep your personal health in mind. Sit in your truck for 10 minutes between jobs to warm your body up and get blood flowing back to your fingers. If you work inside, alternate the inside and outside work so your body never gets too cold. Talk to your clients about the adjustments you need to make for winter window cleaning, and you will be set up for success.