Rather than starting your own window cleaning business, you may be tempted to buy a window washing business for sale. These opportunities don’t come around very often, but when they do, they give you a chance to build on an existing brand. There are pros and cons with any business acquisition, so you need to make sure you understand what you’re getting into before you sign on the dotted line. Should I buy a window washing business for sale? Let’s find out…
Before you can decide if you want to buy a window cleaning business, you need to figure out why it’s for sale in the first place. Were the owners in a lot of debt that they couldn’t get out of? Did the demand for their business drop? Did the window washing company develop a bad reputation in the area? Are the owners simply looking to retire? These are all questions that you need to ask at the beginning of an acquisition because they will help you avoid getting into a bad financial situation from the start.
You need to be clear about what you would get by buying the window cleaning business. Would you be getting all of the current window washing supplies, work vehicles, uniforms, etc., or would you just be buying the name and access to the current clients? If what you’re getting isn’t worth the money they’re asking, you may be better off starting your own window cleaning business.
Check out the current clients serviced by the window washing business. Are they commercial, residential, or a mixture of the two? There is a big difference between commercial window cleaning and residential window cleaning, and you may not want to get involved with one or the other. If you plan on focusing on residential clients, it would not be wise to purchase a commercial window cleaning business.
The truth of the matter is that you don’t need someone else’s window cleaning business to become a success. One of the owners of Window Academy was able to generate 150 client accounts in just 5 weeks, starting completely from scratch. You can build your own in a short amount of time and do things the way you want to do. Be your own boss, buy your own supplies, get your own customers, and find the balance that makes your business truly one of a kind.