There are many different advertising techniques you can use for your window washing business. Having a website, handing out business cards, and meeting up with people in your area can all help you generate leads, but one of the most convenient marketing tools you can use is your own vehicle. By branding the outside of your vehicle with your business information, you can reach out to potential clients no matter where you go. Here are a few different ways you can use car advertising to transform your car into a moving billboard for your window cleaning company.
Vinyl wrapping is the most common form of car advertisement. If you have ever seen a car or bus that is fully wrapped like a billboard, you have seen vinyl wrapping at work. You can talk to a local wrapping company about creating a custom design for your vehicle. Then they will put a durable, removable film on your vehicle’s exterior for your advertisement. Think of it as a custom paint job that you can remove it at any time.
Vinyl wrapping can be expensive, depending on how much of your vehicle you have wrapped. You may only be able to get a set of vinyl lettering or a small logo on your vehicle at first until you are able to get everything wrapped. Get a quote first before you make plans to wrap your van or car.
If you do not want to have your car professionally wrapped, you can purchase custom stickers and magnets to attach to your vehicle. We would advise that you opt for the magnet over the stickers, just because the stickers can be difficult to remove at times. You may be able to find a local sign company that can create the sticker or magnet for you, or you can simply order them online using your business logo and other contact information. This is a more affordable option than vinyl wrapping in most cases, but it will not last as long as vinyl in the end.
No matter how you choose to advertise on your vehicle, you need to add the following to your graphic:
Think of this is a moving business card for your window cleaning company. You want people to have all the information they need to reach out to you right away. As long as you include the right information in your car advertising, you should be able to build a whole new set of clients from this passive marketing technique.