Every window cleaning company needs window cleaning supplies. Luckily, this industry does not require a lot of expensive equipment to work in. With dishwashing liquid, a sponge, and a squeegee, you can get a whole lot done for very little money. Nevertheless, it never hurts to save money on business expenses when possible. Here are 5 ways to save money on window cleaning supplies so you can keep your costs down.
For the items you go through on a regular basis, be sure you buy in bulk. For instance, you probably use rags or paper towels to wipe of your squeegees in between wipes. These can go quickly, and they can be expensive to replace in the long term. Shop online or at a bulk supply store like Sam’s Club to save money on your large-order needs.
A lot of the products you can use for your window cleaning company are available at local grocery stores and supermarkets. If you watch the ads that come out in the Sunday paper, you might be able to catch a great sale on something you need. If the store does not have any of the item in stock, you can request a rain check for when the items come in. This locks in the sale price even if the shelves aren’t restocked until after the sale ends.
Couponing may not be the most glamorous way to save money, but the fact is, it works. If you can use a coupon for a product that is already on sale, you could save a ton of money on your window cleaning supplies. Have a spouse who stays at home and wants to help you with your business? Have him or her search online and in local papers for coupons you can use. This can turn into a full time job, but the savings are worth the effort.
Make sure your window cleaning supplies are well stocked at all times. If you wait to buy cleaning supplies when you run out, you will be forced to pay whatever price the store wants to charge you. Shop early and you can compare prices to get the best deals possible. It never hurts to be prepared, especially if you get an unexpected project thrown in your lap.
Don’t pour too much cleaning liquid into your bucket when you go to clean a window. Don’t drive all the way across town for one simple job if you plan on being there the next day. That wastes gas, which again costs you money. If you use your cleaning supplies efficiently, you will make a lot more off each job you do. Use this tip and the others listed above to get even more out of your window cleaning business.